Parish Council
Consensus & Decision-Making
Pastors/pastoral administrators are called upon to use a process of dialogue and consultation with the pastoral council. Seeking the spirit of consensus is desirable in all council matters.
Consensus is a process of seeking substantial agreement through open discussion, prayer, and resolution of major issues. The conclusion reached is one that all members can support, regardless of one’s own personally preferred option.
Making decisions by consensus is based on the concept of shared wisdom and the belief that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to all the baptized. It necessitates each person sharing views on issues and listening to the wisdom of differing views in the light of the common good. The consensus spirit of decision-making has the potential for generating a greater sense of unity among the group.
Consensus decision-making is recommended whenever possible, particularly for major decisions. Because the council is a consultative body, however, final authority for decisions rests with the pastor/pastoral administrator. Parish pastoral council decisions are considered official when ratified by the pastor/pastoral administrator, ordinarily at the meeting during which the decision is made.